Thursday, January 13, 2011

Time with Family

~Out shopping with Mom and Abby~

~So elegant~

Stephen got off work early and came and crashed the shopping trip.......and of course we were all really thrilled....!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) We even put him to work:

"Oh-Stephen could you go grab such and such a size in the green color....?"

"Hey Stephen-can you go find a black skirt?"

"Stephen do you think you can reach that tall rack over there across the room?"

"Stephen darling could you go check the price of that green sweater?"

Stephen was so sweet...and was his usual selfless, kind, helpful and charming self!!!!! What a man!

~Abby trying on a hat~

I did not get a picture of the elegant skirt and blouse ensemble Mom picked thought I would include this picture from when we were over visiting one autumn day!

~Of course I had to take a mirror picture while we were out shopping~

Once we had finished shopping we went to Chick-Fil-A for dinner and Costco for a grocery trip!!!


While my birthday was months ago, I thought I would share some pictures! Stephen gave me a wonderful, relaxing birthday!

~Beautiful Birthday Flowers~

I just love the vase! Adds such color to our dining room!

~Beautiful Virginia Scenery~

~Playing Cards at a local Virginia Winery~
*we were playing a round of speed.....I'll let you guess who won. :)

For dinner we went to Cafe Renaissance and it was such a romantic and charming experience! It was a cozy restaurant and we ended up meeting the group sitting at the table next to ours.....and they ended up treating us to banana's foster for dessert! They were also from my home state which was neat!

Sad to say, I am unable to recall names.....but I am glad I took a picture to remember the experience!

~After our delicious, elegant and very romantic dinner~


Monday, January 3, 2011


This year we traveled to SC to Ike and Meg's for Thanksgiving!

~On our way down we stopped to visit friends and their new little one~

~A sweet Mother and adorable son~

~Delicious Chocolate Cake~

~Stephen holding Baby C.~

~Chuck and Kaitlin~

~Fruit Ninja on the ipad~

~A glowing Mother and chubby, cuddly Peanut~

So Precious!

Grandma Roxy, Stephen and I getting to meet Peanut for the first time!

~Grandmum making Peanut laugh~

~Looking at family photos~

~Morning Discussion~

~Grandpa reading "roar of a snore" to Junebug before breakfast~

~Grandma Roxy~