Friday, June 17, 2011

California Trip: Day 4

On day 4 of our trip, Stephen's conference was officially over, so we got up early, picked up a rental car and headed to Northern CA! Our goal for this day was to drive through the Trinity Scenic Byway. It was truly gorgeous!

Stephen and I love moss! It seems that on every trip we have taken we end up having a collection of moss pictures!!! :)

Here is my darling as we cross the bridge to leave San Fransisco.

We made a quick stop at Target since northern CA can be a little barren. We needed to stock up on all the candy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)

A view of Alcatraz as we crossed over the bridge

We picked up some Izze's for a fun treat!

~Here we are at the start of the scenic 299~

~This photo was taken by Stephen with our Canon~

~This photo was taken by me (Katie) with our el-cheapo nikon point and shoot~

Definitely think the top picture is better in terms of quality and considering the fact that it was taken by the professional!!!!

~My handsome man~
I love all the colors in this photo!

~So charming~

~Some "mirror" art~
Please ignore the water stains

~Found this old bridge as we were driving~
This picture was taken with the canon, while the one below is taken with the Nikon. I like how you can see the difference between the two cameras and how different the colors appear in each photo.

~My Man~

~This is the look I get after I tell him how perfect he is~

Thus ends day 4!
