Friday, August 31, 2012

Little Malcolm helping "put away"!

This evening Malcolm decided to help pick up! :)  He spent a very long time at it and eventually succeeded (just did not catch that on video)!!!!! :)

Good thing he is not any taller.....

I have no idea how Malcolm knew to take my keys to try and open the door!!!!  He is so funny! :)  He persisted for some time before realizing it was a futile effort. :)  

Oh....and please excuse the pot holder in place of the door handle.  Let's just say during a recent incident where I locked Malcolm and I out of the house (we at least had our carport room), the door knob was taken off in such a way it is no longer usable! :) :)


Monday, August 20, 2012

"What does the Lion say......"

Malcolm and his new hair cut.....

 It is a little uneven....but what else can you expect with a little guy?
I pretty much freaked out the first 3 hours after his hair cut.  He looks so different with shorter hair!

This was his post-yogurt pose. :) :) :) :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

New Hampshire Vacation Part 2

 Planning the hike

~Malcolm relaxing with his Aunties before the big hike~

First family hike with Malcolm!
The carrier was a sweet gift from worked out so well!  It was such a blessing!

 The start of our hike.

At the halfway point along the trail, we hit the Cog Railway where there is a gift shop/museum/food.  Malcolm absolutely loved meeting this little dog.  

 Happy Hikers! :)

Stephen and T. working on computer stuff.

 Dad grilling was delicious!

 Stephen looking out over (if I recall correctly) the Lake District.  It was breathtaking!

 God's Creation is Beautiful!

Auntie A. and Malcolm feeding the ducks.

 Malcolm fell asleep while we toured the grounds at the Lucknow Estate! :)

  Stephen at Castle in the Clouds

 Lovely Grammy

 At Castle in the Clouds (also known as the historic Lucknow Estate)

 This was the owners "secret room", which is only accessible through a small opening in the bottom half of the library wall!

Stephen and Malcolm in the hidden room.

Malcolm with his great Grammy.  We so enjoyed visiting with her!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Malcolm+New Food=Funny Face

New Hampshire Vacation Part 1

 Eating dinner at a lovely Italian restaurant.  It was wonderful to eat outside in the cool mountain air!

 My handsome man!

 Filet Mignon with wild mushroom risotto and chef's vegetables served with bourbon onion rings and a port wine mustard sauce.  

Steak au poivre

 Stephen sent me this pic from his phone while on a hike

 He also sent this one to tease me......I asked him before the hike to not take any risks. :)  It was not a cliff...just looks like one. :)

Love this! :)  Stephen at the army surplus store. :) :) :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Very Happy Giggly Malcolm

We just love hearing him giggle! 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Facial Expressions......

While traveling on our way to NH for vacation we fed puffs to Malcolm.  The last 10 seconds of the video are the best! :)